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Jan 20, 2022

Vikram Rajan, the co-founder of, was the first to take the winning formats of different networking structures and integrate them into a subscription-based video application that produces a marketing video for the business owner.  The networking session that I attended fascinated me because he used the timing card from Toastmasters to keep participants within the allocated 2-3 minutes introduction. 

Vik knows that entrepreneurs put off creating videos because we think of it as tedious so it goes on the back burner. Vik records our online introductions during our networking sessions. Then, he edits in the bells and whistles like close captioning and your logo so, within a few hours, you can utilize this video for social media marketing or use as a part of your speaker reel.

#business #entrepreneur #videosocials #thefirstwithdrsandi #networking #Toastmasters